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coming 2024

the triple -  peenemuende special vehicles

Pennemünde 1942 - 45

volume 1


Sezialfahrzeuge.JPGDid you know the complexity of all the special vehicles necessary to launch the A4 rocket in the field ?
This book will answers these question.
For each task; loading, carrying, testing, supply, launch and guiding of the rocket, special vehicles were designed or converted, thus like fire controls vehicles, vehicles for supply, testing, fuel and trailers like "Meillerwagen", "Vidalwagen", trailer for liquids, gantry cranes and rail cars including the launching railroad waggon.
All vehicles types shown; photograghs, detailed drawings, designs and technical specifications based on historical documentation‘s, production rate and deployment of the Division z.V. are part of this documenation.

384 pages, hardcover in landscape format, text both in English and German with more then 250 rare and unpublished photographs of these special vehicles and devices included. Additionally rare copies of original documents and a set of detailed 1/35 scale drawings that will give historical (technical) researchers and scale modellers a great new source with valuable information.





volume 2


supplementary volume   DER MEILLERWAGEN - 128+ pages


volume 3


supplementary volume DER VIDALWAGEN - 128+ pages